I write from Argentina, I need some parts. Mazda 121

I write from Argentina, I need some parts.

Mazda 121

Good morning.

My name is Jose. Im need some parts for mazda 121 and searching in the web, I found that you have this parts.

These parts are:

B3C7-13-215B sensor air flow
B3C7-13-W91 sensor throtle position

Could you send parts to my country, Argentina?

I wait yours comments

Thank you in advance
Jose Otero


1 ответ


Ответов: 1800 Лучших: 903
Good afternoon. This heading is a question-answer.
You need to contact the sellers of these parts. Go to appropriate creative and find "ask a question" and contact the seller. But to expect that you vryatli will send spare parts to Argentina. Our vendors are working with transport companies in Russia. Maybe try get an agreement with the delivery.

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Ответов: 1800 Лучших: 903
Good afternoon. This heading is a question-answer.
You need to contact the sellers of these parts. Go to appropriate creative and find "ask a question" and contact the seller. But to expect that you vryatli will send spare parts to Argentina. Our vendors are working with transport companies in Russia. Maybe try get an agreement with the delivery.
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